Free Nodeloc服务规则(TOS)
Free Nodeloc Rules (TOS)
一旦开始使用Free Nodeloc的服务就代表您同意并会遵守本条款
By using Free Nodeloc's services, you agree to and will abide by these terms and conditions.
Rejected Behavior and Content
1、 一切违反中华人民共和国与服务器所在地相关法律法规的行为
1、 Any behavior that violates the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the location of the server.
2、 从事、鼓动、协助或允许他人进行任何违法、非法、侵权、有害或欺诈行为,包括不限于任何下述活动:以任何方式伤害或企图伤害未成年人、色情、非法赌博、违规搭建VPN、庞氏骗局、网络攻击、网络钓鱼或损害、私自拦截任何系统、程序或数据,未经许可监控服务数据或流量
2. Engaging in, encouraging, assisting or permitting others to engage in any unlawful, illegal, infringing, harmful or fraudulent behavior, including but not limited to any of the following activities: harming or attempting to harm minors in any way, pornography, illegal gambling, illegal VPN setups, Ponzi schemes, cyber-attacks, phishing, or damages, unauthorized interception of any system, program, or data, and unauthorized monitoring of the service's data or traffic.
3、 传输、提供、上传、下载、使用或再使用、散布或分发任何非法、侵权、攻击性、有害的内容或材料,包括但不限于在如下“禁止的内容”中所列的内容或材料
3、 transmit, make available, upload, download, use or reuse, distribute or disseminate any unlawful, infringing, offensive or harmful content or material, including but not limited to the content or material listed under "Prohibited Content" below
4、 传输任何数据、发送或上传任何包含病毒、蠕虫、特洛伊木马、网络定时炸弹、键盘记录器、间谍软件、广告软件或任何其他有害程序或类似的旨在对任何计算机硬件或软件的操作或安全产生不利影响的计算机代码
4、transmit any data, send or upload any computer code that contains viruses, worms, Trojan horses, network time bombs, keyloggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation or security of any computer hardware or software
5、 侵犯或侵害他人权益,包括但不限于隐私权或知识产权
5、infringe or violate the rights of others, including but not limited to privacy or intellectual property rights
6、 攻击、干扰、扰乱或不利影响任何服务、硬件、软件、系统、网站或网络,包括但不限于使用大量自动化手段(包括机器人、爬虫、脚本或类似的数据收集或提取方法)访问或攻击任何服务、硬件、软件、系统、网站或网络
6、attacking, interfering with, disrupting or adversely affecting any service, hardware, software, system, website or network, including, without limitation, accessing or attacking any service, hardware, software, system, website or network using heavily automated means, including robots, crawlers, scripts or similar data gathering or extraction methods
7、 未经授权访问服务、账户或系统的任何部分, 或试图进行上述行为
7、Unauthorized access to any portion of the Services, accounts, or systems, or attempts to do so.
管理组会不定期检查服务器内内容,一经发现上述内容,将会直接删除并备份数据与机器,封禁Free Nodeloc账户,删除前备份的数据在必要时将会提交给原商家或相关机关
The management team will check the content of the server from time to time, once the above content is found, it will be directly deleted and backed up data and machines, Free Nodeloc account will be banned, and the data backed up before deletion will be submitted to the original merchant or the relevant authorities if necessary.
Report illegal content
If you find users violating the rules, you can send a private message to the management team in the forum or TG, and we will deal with it as soon as it is found.